Cooking… with ingredients. Real ones.

Why this blog? May 13, 2009

I love to cook.  Not many people do.  Especially my generation (20 somethings).  The few people I know that do cook, tend to sort of “cheat.”  If they make spaghetti, it’s by combining spaghetti and a storebought jar of spaghetti sauce.  If they bake a cake, it’s from a mix.  Very few people cook or bake with actual from-scratch ingredients anymore.  And that’s a shame.  Because not only can you create some delicious foods, it can also be a lot of fun.

While you might find a few recipes here and there on this site (especially when it comes to baking, which requires more precision), I’m largely going to try to inspire you, with a few helpful tips along the way.  This isn’t a recipe blog, it’s a creativity blog.


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